The AvtokomTehnolodgy group of companies is engaged in the manufacture of spare parts from various materials for both small organizations and large companies, including the oil and gas industry. Most of the products are individual technological solutions developed according to individual customer requirements. Our company also manufactures imported analogues of spare parts according to drawings and samples of the Customer.
The products of the AvtokomTehnolodgy group of companies (disperser nozzle, mud pipe, BRS seals) received a positive assessment of the quality during the conductive testing at LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft LLC.
In 2019, at the AvtokomTehnolodgy group of companies , an audit was successfully conducted by Schlumberger specialists and agreements were signed with such enterprises as: PetroAlliance Service Company LLC, Techgeoservice LLC, Production Geophysical JSC Association “Tyumenpromgeofizika”, JSC “Pomorneftegazgeofizika”, LLC “Technological company Schlumberger”, Company “Schlumberger Lodzhelko, Inc.”
The scientific and technical potential of the specialists of the AvtokomTehnolodgy group of companies and cooperation with the Department of Science and Research of Volgograd State Technical University allows us to introduce the latest technologies and solve complex technical problems for the needs of the oil and gas sector, which ultimately has a positive effect on the term operation of products and ensures stable operation when used. Confirmation of successful joint activity was the development of the production of cuffs for packers from HNBR hydrogenated rubber with a hardness of 90 conv. units Shore.